суббота, 5 декабря 2015 г.

What is the colour of our lullaby?

Мне уже некоторое время хотелось написать эту историю, я даже начинала ее на русском языке, но не смогла довести до конца - не знала, что именно хочу рассказать, знала лишь, о чем. Или - точнее - о ком. Прототип Нэлли - наш преподаватель английского в восьмом классе, она вам уже знакома по ранним постам.
Недавнее задание на английском оказалось неожиданным - предполагалось сочинение рассказа по первой фразе. И, конечно, я облегчила себе жизнь, взяв готовую идею и посмотрев, что из нее получится. Кажется, это уже что-то. Надеюсь, оцените эту маленькую попытку подарить блогу немного волшебства в преддверии нового года :)

When Nelly wike uo that morning, she had no idea that the events of the day would change her life forever. She sat on her bed looking around with her sleepy eyes, and room was drowning in the morning mist.
She was just a little girl, who didn't really pay attention to a lot of things in life. In this row cold floor, dark room and other elements of morning struggle could be mentioned. She was a kind of a daydreamer, seeing only her world and making it life. But not at the start of the day, never. Her small brain was usually sleeping and gathering power to explore new realities then it was time to go to kindergarten. So waking up she looked at pretty dull grey walls, smelled her mom's burnt coffee and didn't really feel the taste of food even though her mother tried to do her best and surprise little Nelly with funny jelly pictures on the toast  or eggs sunny side up.
This morning at first seemed even more boring and hard, but suddenly a whale passed by. It was a huge and covered with stars. It's indigo back was gently bending to one side and then to another, whale was nearly dancing and waving it's fins. It was reaching like for a hug and swimming away as soon as Nelly tried to fulfil it's wish. It was a game for two only and little girl felt herself in a different reality.
She appeared to be in cosmos, wandering around planets. She stood on Saturn rings for a while and dipped a cookie made from asteroid crumbs in a Milky Way. It was salty and tiny bits of lava caramel were crunching on her teeth for the whole universe to hear Nelly being there.
She walked past the Big Dipper and several other constellations, names of which she didn't know, She waved her hand to the Polar Star and even took a ride on a Hound Dog. Wind was whistling and howling in her ears, playing with her hair and making a hairstyle of a Creation Queen. Everything was going back with the speed of light.
But every story and every trip has an end. Dog jumped and step on Nelly's bed. Warm lamp shine made the room cozier, more like a home. Mom called her little girl to have breakfast. Life seemed more real than ever, but deep in child's heart something magical was boiling. And once, that was easy to predict, it splashed to become a great idea, which is a completely different story.

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